RESCAP Restores health

by combating age-related diseases

Tell me how it works

What we do

Wat we do

We develop RESCAP for treatment of ageing-related diseases

RESCAP is the proprietary name for our medication based on the enzyme alkaline phosphatase (AP). AP exists since the earliest days of evolution, emphasizing its relevance for life. The protective levels of AP as present at young age, gradually decrease upon ageing. Supplementing these levels by RESCAP as shown in animal models strongly protects against age-related diseases.

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Use op rescap

RESCAP has potential in a variety of age-related diseases


RESCAP can switch off the age-related effects of Frailty in patients


RESCAP may turn Parkinson’s diseases into a “drug-manageable” chronic condition.


RESCAP restores decreasing levels of AP-enzyme activity, which is probably one of the root-causes of diabetes.


RESCAP may strongly reduce the burden of Alzheimer’s disease by slowing down its progression.

How RESCAP combats these diseases

Read more about the use of RESCAP

Scientific breakthroughs in using AP for promoting health: